I’m a down-to-earth, hardworking Minnesota girl. I moved to California when I was 22-years-old to pursue a career in the fashion industry. My first job was in a fast-paced, high-stress retail environment. As a highly sensitive, deeply empathetic person, working in this type of environment was jarring for me. I did my best to develop a “thick skin”, but within a few months of my new job, I was diagnosed with severe digestive issues that were induced by the constant anxiety and stress in my life.
What felt like a tragedy at the time, ended up being the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. Being diagnosed with Leaky Gut and SIBO forced me to look at the way I was treating myself and my body. The only way I could fully heal was by learning to reduce my anxiety and stress. So, I got serious about it. I dove deep into the world of self-help, personal development, and emotional healing.
Everything really shifted for me when I learned how to meditate. Meditation wasn’t easy for me at first (is it for anyone?), but I kept at it and made it a daily practice. Without initially intending to, I got more in touch with myself on a spiritual level. I began forming a relationship with a higher power which ultimately changed my experience of life. As I’ve strengthened my intuition and connection to the Universe, I’ve gotten really good at letting go, trusting the process, and finding meaning in every experience life throws my way.
As you may have guessed, these experiences led me to the work I do today as a Mentor for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs).