“We take things so seriously. Why not let it be fun?!” life coach, Susie Moore said breezily to Cathy Heller on the Don’t Keep Your … Read More ›
“We take things so seriously. Why not let it be fun?!” life coach, Susie Moore said breezily to Cathy Heller on the Don’t Keep Your … Read More ›
In a world that’s often aggressive, fast-paced, and heavily data-driven; we desperately need more gentle, compassionate humans to step up and have a voice.
The world needs more radically empathetic human beings. Maybe you don’t know what it feels like, but can you empathize with your fellow human? Can you open your mind to learning more about their experience? Can you care enough to learn how you can change?
I wanted to be the type of woman who faced challenges with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. I wanted to be the type of woman who got up every morning, gave it her best, and really trusted herself.
As humans, we crave certainty. We want to book our plane tickets, know our five-year-plan, and have a map laid out for exactly how we’ll climb the corporate ladder. Certainty feels good, but it’s never promised.
Codependency involves sacrificing one’s personal needs to try to meet the needs of others. Someone who is codependent has an extreme focus outside themselves. Their thoughts and actions revolve around other people, such as spouses or relatives.
I’ve learned to love being in an inspired state of mind. When I’m in that state, I’m able to attract goodness into my life with ease. I manifest my desires naturally, without the need to push or “make things happen”.
Forgive yourself for losing your temper at your spouse. Forgive yourself for eating cookies when you swore you’d be healthy this week. Forgive yourself for having another glass of wine after dinner. Forgive yourself for feeling sad or negative or scared.
When we begin to understand ourselves on a deeper level, we can find the “why” behind our behavior. When we actually understand our behavior, life begins to operate more seamlessly. We feel happier and more naturally in tune with ourselves. In addition to meditation and journaling, one of the most powerful ways I’ve gotten to know myself deeper during this quarantine is through human design.