I’ve learned to love being in an inspired state of mind. When I’m in that state, I’m able to attract goodness into my life with ease. I manifest my desires naturally, without the need to push or “make things happen”.
I’ve learned to love being in an inspired state of mind. When I’m in that state, I’m able to attract goodness into my life with ease. I manifest my desires naturally, without the need to push or “make things happen”.
I try to think good thoughts which makes me feel good, which simply brings more good to me. I live by this because I’ve seen it work in my life countless times with cool opportunities, crazy synchronicities, and generally good luck.
Our spiritual work is to clear the senseless clutter from our minds so that we’re better able to recognize and receive the divine lessons coming our way.
Often times, when we want something so badly, we become forceful about it. We begin trying to control every circumstance around it. We become obsessed with getting our desired outcome because we know, without a doubt, we must have this thing in our lives.
If this dream is something you really, really want, make it your North Star. Know deep in your heart that it is going to happen and you’re on a journey toward it every day.
Are you ready for 2020? I love setting intentions, dreaming about my future, and getting really clear about what I want in my life. We have so many things distracting us every day, so it’s important to have clarity about what matters most to us.
On Sunday afternoon, I still didn’t know what Monday’s blog post was going to be about. Okay, big whoop. But, this is unusual for me! … Read More ›
When I was 5 years old, I won a coloring contest put on by our local newspaper. My prize was an art set almost as … Read More ›
I’m often a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of gal. In college, when asked my plan for the future: Eh, I’ll figure it out! Something will work out. … Read More ›