Are you ready for 2020? I love setting intentions, dreaming about my future, and getting really clear about what I want in my life. We have so many things distracting us every day, so it’s important to have clarity about what matters most to us.
Creating a vision board is a fun and powerful way to inspire you to follow through on your intentions in the new year.
I hosted my first ever vision board workshop last night! Okay, actually it was just Matt and I. But it was so much fun to work on our intentions and vision boards together! I was also just really excited he was willing to participate.
Honestly, I sometimes get a little overwhelmed by all the different ways to set intentions, create vision boards, map out your life. Don’t get me wrong, it’s inspiring but there’s just so much out there. So, when setting intentions and creating my vision board this year, I kept it simple.
My word for 2020 is trust. Trust that I’m always being guided. Trust that I’m on the path that’s meant for me. Trust in other people. Trust in myself. Trust that everything always works out.
Anyway, enough about me. It’s time to think about you!
Here are my steps for setting intentions and creating a vision board that really inspires you this year.
Grab a sheet of paper and ask yourself the following questions. Give yourself a few minutes to write down your answers.
- What went well in 2019? What were my wins this year? What happened in my career? Relationships? Finances? Personal development?
- What could I have done better?
Next, we’re going to dream big about the possibilities of the future! Give yourself a full sheet of paper to answer this one.
In ten years, what does my ideal life look like? What is my financial situation? What do I do each day? What do I feel like? What am I wearing? Who’s in my life? What is my health like? What are my daily habits?
Write down this vision for your life in present tense. Don’t hold back. Dream big!
- Choose a word for the year. What word embodies the way I want to feel this year?
- Set intentions. What can I do this year to get my closer to my dream life? What kind of person do I want to be?
Tip! I like to set intentions in several categories to keep it organized (health, personal, finances, career).
Now for the fun part! Create your vision board. I like to set the mood to do this– light candles, play relaxing music, have snacks out (definitely an important one)!
- Get your supplies.
- A board of your choice (I used card stock, but poster board or cork board works great, too!)
- Magazines for photos. Printing photos from Pinterest works great, too!
- Glue sticks and/or tape
- Anything else that sparks your creative juices! Glitter, paint, markers, stickers…
- Fill your board with images and words that align with your 2020 intentions and dream life. Have fun with it! Allow yourself to get totally creative. Add anything to your board that makes your heart beat fast and inspires you.
When you’re done, be sure you keep your vision board in a place where you’ll see it every day! Matt and I also wrote our intentions on the back of our vision boards so we’ll be able to remember what we’re working toward every day.

What’s your preferred way to set intentions? Do you like making vision boards? Let me know if this helped you!
With love,