Do It For the “Future You”

I woke up feeling groggy, lethargic, anxious. Ugh, why’s my mouth so dry? Where’s my water bottle? Gosh, I can feel my heart in my head.

I had fun the night before. I’d indulged, I didn’t think about tomorrow. I lived in the moment. And it was nothing crazy, either. Just your typical Friday night at home. The questions I’d asked myself were something like–

Should I have another glass of wine? Another slice of pizza? Should I stay up for just one more episode?

My answer to these questions was yes. Yes, yes, yes. That’s usually always the case. YES! Why not? It’s the weekend. Treat yo’self!

No biggie, ya know? Go to yoga in the morning, sweat it out. It’s all good.

Except, these small decisions do matter because ultimately, they’re daily decisions that determine the way you treat yourself.

And, lately, I’ve noticed my yes’s starting to catch up with me. I’m waking up with a headache after a few too many glasses of wine. I’m feeling a little sluggish, less motivated, I want to sleep in later.

I don’t know, maybe it’s me turning 27, but I’m noticing it more and more. It takes more effort to get myself feeling good again and frankly, I want to wake up feeling good as often as I can.

It’s not fun to feel like garbage. I don’t enjoy wasting a beautiful Saturday because I’m feeling weird and anxious.

But, I’m often times sabotaging that for myself. I say I want to feel good, but I’m not always making the decisions to support that.

And it’s these seemingly small decisions, too. It’s not like I’m taking tequila shots and going to bed at 4 a.m. No, I’m just indulging in a few too many glasses of wine. I’m eating gluten and dairy when I know those foods upset my stomach. I’m staying up late when I know my body needs sleep.

Can you relate?

It becomes this cyclical thing. It’s these small daily decisions. We know what’s best for us but we ignore it because we’re living in the now. We’re having fun. The wine is taking the edge off a long day and that sour cream and onion dip tastes oh-so-good.

I mean even as I type that, I want it. I love to indulge.

But here’s the thing. I’m getting tired of myself waking up and not feeling great. I don’t feel like I even have place to complain or be upset that I don’t feel good because I’m consciously making these choices.

It’s on me.

So, it kind of hit me the other day. Think of your future self, Alissa!

While it’s greatly encouraged to live in the moment, while I fully, wholeheartedly believe in letting loose and treating yourself, Don’t forget to give future you some love.

How do you want to feel when you wake up tomorrow? Do you want to be rushing in the morning or relaxed? Do you want to feel jittery and anxious after that afternoon coffee? Do you want to feel regret because you skipped your work out, again?

Do it for the future you.

Prep your lunch the night before. Pack your gym bag so you don’t have an excuse. Sign up for early the yoga class so you get to bed at a decent time. Make decisions that propel you more easily into being the person you want to be. 

Often, it’s the less fun choice. It’s drinking water instead of another glass of wine. It’s going to bed earlier instead of catching one more episode. It’s taking time to make a healthier meal instead of ordering takeout.

You’re worth the effort. You’re worth the “sacrifice”. Do it because you love yourself.

With love,
